08.2023 Golden Chunks

Nothing new. It’s hot. Spending a lot of time on photography. I made marmalade from scratch. I was excommunicated from a friend group for saying spaghetti is an abomination and linguine is the superior pasta shape. Seeking higher-minded individuals.

This month’s playlist:


The 2003 film received a 4K remaster this year and blessedly was released back to theaters. I can’t remember when I first watched it -- I’m certain it was on a laptop. This did not diminish the experience. But I was thrilled to see it on the big screen.

I picked up so much more on the second viewing. I also prepared myself to not be as enamored by the twist. But that was unnecessary. It did not surprise me, obviously, but the moment is so well crafted it still hit me with full force.

See Oldboy in theaters while you can.

Honorable mentions to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (animation renaissance in full swing), Oppenheimer (gorgeous on 70mm but should be just as affecting on a smaller screen), and Tokyo Pop (fun and very cute).

Dragon Ball Z

This is where they begin the power climb in earnest. Planet breaking fights. Several “oh, shit!” moments when true strength is revealed. The final arc, Buu saga, is definitely the best paced. Constantly morphing and subverting the established path to victory which satisfyingly required Goku to call on the power of others to triumph. Great series finale.

Frieza is still my favorite villain. Best design.

At its core, DBZ is still Loony Toons: martial arts edition.

The Legend of Grimrock

I haven’t been gaming much as of late (That’s going to change because I just received my Analogue Pocket). But I have been fiddling with Legend of Grimrock. A first-person dungeon crawler throwback, it claims. I wouldn’t know. It’s the first of this genre I’ve played. The gameplay is methodical and thoughtful, midway between turn-based and real-time. Exploring dark corridors, managing my supply of torches, fighting skeletons. Surprisingly calm and chill. Feels pure compared to the massive, complex experiences being released lately.

One-Punch Man

I’ve seen the anime. Season one was a spectacular showcase of animation prowess. Season two...significantly less so. I wanted more so I finally began reading the manga.

There are two versions: the original web comic (rough, cartoonish presentation) and the official manga remake (polished and impeccably detailed). I have been reading the later. One-Punch Man may be a parody of a genre DBZ exemplifies but its art style isn’t part of the joke. The talent and production value that goes into these panels exceeds those of manga trying to affect a serious tone.

And One-Punch Man isn’t one note. While a parody of the shōnen genre, its also an incredibly well written shōnen with excellent characters to boot. Exciting to look at, interesting to read, and flawless comedic timing.

This month I also shared some neglected rolls of film and enjoyed reading some wisdom on writer’s block.