Moms are selfish like that

olympus xa1 / fujifilm superia 400

olympus xa1 / fujifilm superia 400

My mother grew up in a time when connection was optional. She had a computer that could be slipped into a pocket. It was possible to lose and had to be charged regularly. Archaic.
Connection is breathing to me. But my mom will go days without connection. She looks so peaceful. My peace is connection.
It frustrates me.
She’s so oblivious, so uninformed. I have to explain everything.
“I don’t understand you.”
“I don’t understand you either. I wasn’t born into connection like you were. It was new. Exciting. And dangerous. My generation learned to hold it at arms-length. Often we needed to put it away for our own health.”
“That’s weird.”
“You’re weird.”
“I’m normal!”
“You will be normal.”

She told me something that I found distressing when I was young.
“Everyone lies a little.”
“Not everyone.”
“I’m not talking about malicious lies. When connected people only share their best… they imagine what they’d like to be and believe along with everyone else that they are that ideal —— ”
“Oh, so only unconnected interactions are truthful. Surprise, surprise.”
She laughs.
“Definitely not! We’re always doing this. Hiding things, tricking others, tricking ourselves. Most lies are unconscious. I lie to you all the time.”
I did not like that. The thought that Mom would lie to me.
“Hey, I’d never lie to you intentionally.”
I nod.
“If you ever don’t trust me, say so, and we’ll talk it through. Okay?”

We are running through the hangar. I clutch an overstuffed backpack. My mom clutches my hand, nearly drags me. She wears her fatigues and stripes.
“Where are we going.”
“You’re getting on that Osprey.”
I am?”
“I’ll be on the next one.”
I jerk my hand out her’s.
She stops with me.
“We don’t have time!”
“I don’t trust you!”
“Ma’am, we need to takeoff now.”
She removes the connection tab from behind her ear.
“There’s no time right now. I’ll explain later. I will. Please, baby, I need you to trust me.”
Her words are so calm. But I see. I see how wide her eyes are. I see the liquid bunching up on her lower eyelids, quivering on the precipice.

As we fly away, I see her sprinting back to the command center. Seventeen minutes later I watch as the base is destroyed by ordinance dropped from a combat satellite. Mom wasn’t on the next one.

I am taken to a ship far from the fighting. It’s filled with orphans, widows, and widowers. I stay in my bunk. Silent, without connection.
A woman brings me food I do not eat. She talks, but I do not listen. Then finally, one day, it bursts out.
“She betrayed me.”
“My mother. She said she’d never lie to me. I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay and she lied.”
“... I assume your mom couldn’t bear the thought of you not growing up into the woman she imagined in her head. She couldn't let go of that.”
“She never asked what I wanted.”
“Yeah, moms are selfish like that.”
“I hate her.”

That is my little lie.

The Forest

sigma fp / summicron 90mm

sigma fp / summicron 90mm

I was hunting in the forest when a great light blinded me. Lo, a divine herald stood in my path. I fell back in fear.
“Do not be afraid. I bear joyous news. You may bring salvation to your countrymen. Will you meet this task?”
I trembled.
“I am no one. I cannot.”
“Very well.”
And the herald left.

The seasons turned; war loomed. My hunting bow was needed, and I gave it.
We met our adversaries on the open field, I with the other archers. I was afraid.
But I looked to the one who led us. A bastard of no name. One oft-ridiculed as having no past or future. Yet, there he was at the head through skill and valor. I was encouraged.
The bastard led the charge at full gallop. I saw our adversaries train arrows on our commander. A fire burned within me.
*Twang, twang, twang*
Opposing archers fell with each draw of my bow, no match for a lifetime of hunting in the forest. None would touch my lord.

sigma fp / elmarit 28mm

sigma fp / elmarit 28mm

Today, I stand before his crypt. A bastard no more. But a hero, the savior of the land.
My crippled leg twinges. I lean on my walking staff for relief. I weep.
“Why do you cry?”
I turn and behold the divine herald from all those years ago.
“Your commander is in paradise.”
“I do not weep for him. I weep for me. Now I realize I squandered my chance to be someone in this world. Out of fear, I rejected your call that day. I clung to my dim, unremarkable forest. Now I am a broken man with no past and no future.”
The herald extends a hand to me.
“Come with me.”
I do not fall back this time.
Suddenly, we stand over the kingdom in its entirety. I can see leagues upon leagues as well as a scroll in my hands.
“What do you see?”
I see a great harvest in the fields. Huge flocks graze on lush pastures. I see children at play with no cares. I see new husbands building houses for their brides, confident they will stand for years to come. I see peace. I see joy.
“I see the salvation brought by the hero.”
“Yes. That hero could have been you — ”
“Why do you needle me? I am already reduced to nothing.”
“When called again, you answered. You left the comfort of your forest and lent your bow. Your part was small, and forgotten. But even now songs are sung in your honor in paradise.”

sigma fp / elmarit 28mm

sigma fp / elmarit 28mm

Then we stand in a great hall. Bright, loud, joyous. The board strains under the weight of spit-roasts, fruits and vegetables, fresh-baked bread, soups and stews.
And I hear someone roar my name.
Lo, it is the hero, my commander, my lord who I had never once spoken.
“Come! And be known!”

Goats Three

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

“Traveler! We offer no passage here. Unless, of course, one can fathom our riddles. Here is the first: what when filled with arms and legs is a strong and fearsome foe, but limbless is limp and soft and quite the tasty meal!”
“... a shirt?”
“Correct. Travel on...”

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

“Halt! Trespasser! Answer me this: what is scattered along the forest floor like breadcrumbs, though not as sweet, which always leads back to me. What falls from the heavens like rain but does not slack the thirsty ground. What has a hue of lustrous chestnut but squirrels refuse to gather. What—”
“Poop! It's your poop.”
“Very well... you may continue.”

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

leica r3 / vario-elmar 35-70mm f3.5 / fujifilm superia 400

“Oi, lad. What has two horns and got himself rather tangled up?”
“Hey now! Where ye going? Lend a hand!”